Wealth and the next generation

We encourage and can help facilitate family discussions as appropriate. We often find ourselves working with the adult children of clients, whether in a financial advisory or other capacity.

We are committed to helping ensure our clients’ wishes are carried out. Many families have specific values around wealth and its uses, and it’s an honor to help uphold those values and ensure they endure.

Upon the death of a loved one

When major life events occur, such as the passing of a loved one, important actions need to be taken and plans revisited. Whether it’s filing beneficiary claims for life insurance, IRAs, or annuities, or updating registrations due to trust directives, we are here to help.

We collaborate with our clients' other advisors—including tax preparers, estate planning attorneys, and necessary family members—to achieve consensus on the best steps forward.

You deserve the confidence that your situation has been evaluated with care and that your decisions have been thoughtfully executed.